AMPS- Safe Driving Reminders

Dear Alexander Muir Families:


We need your help to ensure the safety of all of our students, staff and families.

Please slow down, obey all posted signs and follow traffic laws. We have over 620 students & 58 staff members arriving and departing each day at our school. We need to ensure safety for all! We need you to do your part to make this happen. Safety first! Please take extra care and time when in our school zones!

We would request that you remember the following:

  • Do not U-Turn, park in the opposite direction, or hold up traffic to let your child out of your car – please also ensure that your child is safely buckled in prior to driving off;
  • Slow down when entering our school parking lot- watch for students/families crossing along the sidewalk area near the entrance;
  • Obey STOP sign in KISS & RIDE area. This is a cross walk to the parking lot area;
  • Please use the designated cross walk areas and not walk through parked cars etc. as you may not be visible to oncoming traffic;
  • Please do not idle your car in our parking lot – we are an idle-free zone!


A friendly reminder that the BUS LOOP/FIRE ROUTE should not be used by families to drop off or pick up children or to drive through. This is a designated fire route and can not be 7FEAE012-E5F1-4D5C-9426-D81AC9098F1Ablocked at any time. Only school buses & school taxis can use this route for drop off/pick up. There are also limited staff parking in this location. These are the only vehicles that are permitted to enter/exit this area.

We would also ask that you remind your child(ren) not to cross or walk through the bus loop/fire route area. This is very unsafe. Students and families must use the designated sidewalks at all times.

We appreciate your ongoing cooperation. Safety First!

Mr. Erdmann & Mrs. Mahoney

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